Monday 19 January 2009

Westminster "Week"

After more of settling in over the weekend I had orientation with Westminster on Monday afternoon. I got lost trying to find the building since it was on another campus and therefore missed coffee with other Butler people :( Orientation was about 3 hours of mostly the same stuff we had heard from Butler, but I still felt that it was worth listening to again. At the end we were split into challenge groups. I was put with 3 other Americans that did not want to do the challenge, and a really cool girl from Paris. We met Tuesday at noon to do the "challenge" and one of the American girls didn't even show up. Basically it was a bunch of questions to answer about the city and part of it we had to actually go to a theatre and Trafalgar Square. It really wasn't that bad at all and we ended up splitting up the questions anyway, but some of the people did not want to do it.

The rest of the week consisted of shopping shopping and more shopping. That's pretty much what I've been doing every day. I didn't bring that many things, so I've purchased 3 shirts and a messenger bag so far. I'm still on the hunt for some black boots, cute flats for going out, and some skinny jeans. Thursday I met with a study abroad counselor to make sure I was happy with my classes. I am very happy so far. I have Operations Management on Mondays, Art and Society and London Theatre in Performance on Thursdays and then Principles of Marketing on Fridays. Thursday night we went to Intermission, a bar on the campus that I'm at. I met up with the French girl and her 3 guy friends that came from the same school as her. My Butler friends all met them as well. Friday night Westminster held a boat party on the Thames....the boat didn't move though. After in like 9pm...we went to a dance club somewhere around Piccadilly Circus. I had some troubles making my way back but eventually did make it back.

I didn't do much on Saturday since I was so tired from the night before. Sunday I bought some spiral notebooks for school. We have also started Sunday night dinners with Butler students plus any other dorm living people. It was a nice last hurrah before classes began today.

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