Tuesday 20 January 2009

First Day of Class and First Mid-Week Weekend

So...I don't have classes on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Can we say awesome?! I'm going to try and explore London at least one of these days every week.

First of all though, I did have class on Monday. Operations Management seminar started at 10am in the next building over. Me being as nervous as I was, left early and got there about 10 minutes before class was to start. I had found the room on Sunday night so I knew exactly where it was, however no one was there. In fact, the teacher didn't even show up until about 3 minutes before 10. I was thoroughly surprised. There was trouble with the tube which caused some people not to show I later found out. Anyway, the teacher of the seminar is amazing. His name is Bill Hollins and he is the author of the textbook. He admitted to us that the topic is really boring but that he will try his darnedest to make it more "Jolly" for us. Bill is a small older man, probably in his late 60s or early 70s and works at a self started consulting firm and then teaches once a week. I'm really glad that I got him since he is so interested in the topic. There is another Butler girl in the class, so it was nice to have her there and to work we have to work in partners on a project anyway. I went back, made a sandwich for lunch and then had lecture for the same class. It was ok...kind of boring, but the Professor, or Tutor as they call them here, seemed nice. We have the one partner assignment worth 30% of our grade and then a test at the end of our 3 week break worth 70%.

After class I went shopping, again. This time to Primark! Yeah Laura, I finally went! It was very overwhelming. There were shirts for 3 pounds..about $4.10 and jeans for 6 pounds. I walked around the whole store picking up 3 pairs of jeans and 2 shirts to try on. I haven't yet mastered the European/British sizing yet. I then waited in the queue for 20 minutes to try them on. I ended up getting a shirt for 8 pounds.

Tuesday I got up and after lunch walked to the British Museum. I'm still not used to museums being free. I stayed 2 hours there and I think I covered everything but I'm sure I missed some rooms. There were many school groups that were being led around and then they would have to draw one of the things in the room. You can see my pictures on Facebook. I took a lot and was feeling very artsy. I then walked to Covent Gardens and walked around the market there. It was more like a giant shopping area. It was really nice but it was kind of cold so I took the tube back. Once I got back I went down to the common room with a girl in the Butler program to watch history happen - the inauguration.

Wednesday, today, I was woken up by a fire alarm at 7:30am. The girl from Hawaii and I stuck our heads out of our rooms and then made our way down the 8 flights of stairs. They then told us that it wasn't anything and we took the elevator back up. There were only a few people down in the lobby and no one else from our floor. I didn't really say anything because I was still asleep. I fell back asleep soon and didn't wake until 11:30 which was nice. After lunch I decided to go to Harrods. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's kind of like a Marshall Fields or now Macy's in Chicago. It's huge. Out of the 4 floors, I bought something from the first three. On the first floor I bought Anne's birthday present, on the second I bought a Lock & Lock container for leftovers, and on the third I bought Twilight the book at Waterstones which is kind of like Barnes and Noble. Yes, Harrods had a Waterstones and a HMV which is a CD/DVD store inside it. It also had a lot of cafes and diners and a restaurant that only sold Chocolate things. I almost got a hot chocolate but I resisted. Oh and on the way to Harrods I had to walk around Hyde park. I watched kids there having gym class and that's about it. There were some people running and riding bikes, but not too many. I found a bus that went back to Baker St station and took it back.

Tonight I made UK's version of Ramen noodles called Super Noodles. They aren't the same, but will do. I also did laundry. Oh and Laura, I have been reading Maybe the Moon every night and I love it! More on classes later after I have them Thursday and Friday. This Saturday I'm going to Oxford with the social program for study abroad students. It should be a good time.


  1. I like birthday presents :-) Harrods is really popular here (actually just the name & teddy bear). Japanese people just think foreign things are cool.

  2. Ooh, Twilight... I take it you're curious about the books now too? Just don't read it when you have something important to do. Everybody kept telling me I would get hooked, and I didn't believe them, and then suddenly one day I looked up from reading and discovered that three hours had passed and I hadn't noticed!
    Oh, and fyi, we are now on smoke detector #4! There wasn't any water this time, though.
